
No surprises, but a transparent and fixed rate

It is important to us that you know where you stand. Clarity is paramount. Below are the options with associated costs based on a complete process of obtaining a mortgage. Throughout the process, you will be guided by us and given honest advice about your options.

Our fixed rate

  • 2750 euros for starters
  • 2950 euros for transferees, raising or flipping *
  • No VAT applies to consulting fees.

Any additional costs

Additional charges may apply in some cases. For example, consider establishing an account income for self-employment or a rental mortgage. Of course, we will map out all costs in advance.

What do you get in return?

  • Initial introductory meeting;
  • Interim consultation on changing interest rates;
  • Choice of offerings from all well-known lenders;
  • Honest advice on the various options;
  • Comprehensive discussion in which together we look at which mortgage (bank) best suits you;
  • We will help you figure out the documents you need to provide for your mortgage application;
  • We take care of your mortgage application
  • Checking your documents
  • We maintain contact with the bank during your mortgage application
  • We explain exactly what to expect when your mortgage is finalized.

Want to know more about our practices, rates or just to get to know us?

What kind of mortgage can I get?

Preparation is everything! Hence, in our process, we always start with the financial check.

More information