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Mortgage advice from Jord

When you are sick, you go to the doctor. When you want to build a house, you hire an architect. If you are taking out a mortgage because you are going to buy a house, then engage a mortgage advisor!

Advising clients in making their choices gives us great satisfaction. That’s why the team at Advice of Jord consists of specialized mortgage advisors and a strong back office, all passionate about the business. We take all the time you need, but can move quickly when necessary. For us, “trust” is the key word. We love getting to know you, standing beside you throughout the process, discovering what monthly payments and mortgage best suits you.

What does the process of getting a mortgage look like?

The financial check

At this point we get to know each other better. Of course on the financial front, but also personally. What you can borrow at most is not immediately what you actually want to borrow. You’ve probably done some preliminary work yourself, looked on the Internet for interest rates or maybe even done a trial calculation already. That’s heartening! We like to go a step further so we can give a better expectation of what is financially feasible. The financial check is always without obligation!

The moving process (buying and/or selling process )

In most cases, you want a new mortgage because you are moving! You are house hunting, and together with your real estate agent, you embark on this journey. Many of our clients like the fact that our lines are so short with Dina sells and Thomas the Purchase Broker. If you are going to buy a house, check the website of Thomas the buying agent and if you also need to sell your house check the website of Dina sells.

House bought

Congratulations, but now the real work begins! An exciting phase is now approaching in which many financial arrangements must be made. Everything we discussed during the financial check, and in between, we are now going to make real. We need more data from you and will look for the best suitable offer. A mortgage is for a long time so it is important that you make the right choice based on the best suited advice.

Your homework

You will get quite a bit of homework during the period of your actual mortgage application because the lenders want to know a lot about you. We prepare you for this, take you through it and guide you to the desired result.

Mortgage agreement & to the notary

You get the binding offer from the bank. A moment to dwell on, congratulations! The bank wants to lend you the money as we applied at the time. We’ll take another look at the offer together, dot all the I’s and arrange a bank guarantee for you if necessary.

With the real estate agent, you do a final inspection at the home. The bank has since made sure the money is ready at the notary. After making the final signature, the cork can come off the bottle: You’ve bought a house with a mortgage!

Want to know more about how we work?
What kind of mortgage can I get?

Preparation is everything! Hence, in our process, we always start with the financial check.

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